Module embeddingsprep.models


Submodules containing the models.

Quick overview

For now, models only contains a simple wrapper for gensim's implementation of word2vec.

Its main advantage is to be directly compatible with our implementation of the preprocessing.

The Word2Vec model takes as an input :

  • A bunch of preprocessed files, represented as a list of path, or the path of a directory containing plain, raw text files.

  • The parameters of the model

The model has 3 main outputs :

  • An embeddings.tsv file, containing one embedding per line, with each coordinates separated by a ' ' token.

  • A metadata.tsv file, containing 1 word per line, each line corresponding to the embedding on the same line in embeddings.tsv. Warning : the first line of this file has a header, that the embeddings.tsv file doesn't have, resulting in a shift of one line in the embeddings.tsv - A metadata.tsv correspondence.

  • A word2vec.model file with the trained gensim checkpoints to restore the model from.

Usage example

from embeddingsprep.models.word2vec import Word2Vec
model = Word2Vec(emb_size=300, window=5, epochs=3)
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# Models

Submodules containing the models.

## Quick overview

For now, models only contains a simple wrapper for gensim's implementation of word2vec.

Its main advantage is to be directly compatible with our implementation of the preprocessing.

The Word2Vec model takes as an input :

- A bunch of preprocessed files, represented as a list of path, or the path of a directory containing plain, raw text files.

- The parameters of the model

The model has 3 main outputs :

- An ```embeddings.tsv``` file, containing one embedding per line, with each coordinates separated by a '\t' token. 

- ```A metadata.tsv``` file, containing 1 word per line, each line corresponding to the embedding on the same line in ```embeddings.tsv```. Warning : the first line of this file has a header, that the ```embeddings.tsv``` file doesn't have, resulting in a shift of one line in the ```embeddings.tsv``` - ```A metadata.tsv``` correspondence.

- A word2vec.model file with the trained gensim checkpoints to restore the model from. 

## Usage example

from embeddingsprep.models.word2vec import Word2Vec
model = Word2Vec(emb_size=300, window=5, epochs=3)



Utils for Word2Vec wrapper


Word2Vec …